Health Coaching

Beccy Candice Clarke is a certified Health Coach through the globally renowned, Academy of Healing Nutrition. She endeavours to expand her knowledge of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing with continuous and dedicated study; aiming to break down, into a more straightforward approach, the multilayered, and often conflicting tenants of health as presented by the modern wellness industry, the Western medical system and the more intuitive, holistic philosophies of the East. Hers is an integrative, individualised, food-first approach that seeks to make health simple, fun and accessible to all.

1-1 Sessions

Virtual, one-to-one sessions that allow you the space to dive into your personal health concerns. Together we will develop a custom plan, focusing on holistic nutrition and lifestyle practices that will best support your individual journey. No body is the same! In between sessions, I provide continued support via email and WhatsApp, as well as ongoing resources and recommendations.

Working with clients globally.

My Approach


We are all unique beings with different emotional and physical patterns, tendencies and symptoms showing up every day. Together, we will create a personalised healing plan that promises to honour your individual strengths and vulnerabilities, gently bringing you back to optimal health one step at a time. Ours will be a simple, straightforward path to improved health that will prioritise nutritious whole foods over and above perfectionism, restrictive, fad diets or exhaustive supplement regimes — empowering you to take your health into your own hands.


Good health stretches far beyond a carefully curated diet, spanning all that we consume - including the conversations we have, the TV we watch, the music we listen to and the books we read. It is intrinsically linked to our interpersonal relationships, our sense of community, lifestyle choices, movement, breath, mindfulness and so much more. Taking a holistic approach — tending to your emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing — enables us a better chance of getting to the root cause of any troublesome issues and symptoms, ultimately bringing greater, longer-lasting results.


While there are certainly foods that are good for everyone, a truly healing diet is one that nourishes your specific constitution, flowing with personal and seasonal changes. I invite you to go back to basics, to take a deep dive into your dietary habits and consciously replace those that no longer serve you with more considered, nourishing choices. Herbs, adaptogens, medicinal mushrooms and supplements can surely be helpful allies, but food that nourishes your whole being must always come first. We will work together to find those foods that work best for you.


Slowing down allows us to invite more spaciousness into our lives; to take the time to develop an awareness of unhealthy patterns or any growing stagnation in our bodies and minds. To take stock of all that is happening in our inner world. When we take an unhurried, mindful approach to our health, we open the door to more sustainable, deliberate results. Slowly building a portfolio of healthy habits is the foundation of a successful healing journey, fostering longevity and long-term wellbeing. Here, slow and steady really does win the race.


With each subtle change in our environment, there is an equally subtle change within us. Tapping into the ways in which the seasons affect our physical and emotional being fosters a more mindful approach to living and eating, which ultimately leads to increased vitality, strength and longevity in all areas of our lives.

Cultivating consciousness around the body and the effect that different foods have on us at different times of the year allows for essential grounding and the strengthening of our organs and systems.

Earth Connection is the practice of renewing and nourishing our relationship with nature. It is the gentle navigation of the seasonal calendar to deepen our understanding of how we can live in harmony with the earth, our true Mother. In this way, we inspire flexibility, flow and equilibrium, gracefully adapting to our environment and all that life brings us.


During my time working with Beccy, I felt like I was on a journey of self discovery. The more I learned about the way I was fuelling my body and what would actually help it, the more I felt I came to know myself. With so much information out there regarding health and healing, it can be difficult to know what to do. In the past, I had often felt overwhelmed, making choices that were not best suited to me. Having Beccy’s guidance was revolutionary and cut out so much of the confusion. I love that her approach is really simple, easy to follow and understand. I had so many comments on how much I had transformed during our time working together. My skin was literally glowing, and for the first time in a long time, my stomach issues were soothed. I had previously been plagued by bloating and swelling before and during menstruation, but this completely stopped. My periods became virtually painless. Each month, instead of that heavy uncomfortable feeling before my period started, I felt nothing. I would actually have forgotten I had a period coming if it had not been for my period tracker! I would highly recommend Beccy to anyone seeking help with their health and nutrition. The level of care and attentiveness that went into our sessions together, and being treated in such a holistic way was deeply transformative. I now feel that I have the tools to continue forward with a greater understanding of how to care for myself, which is priceless. —VB

I reached out to Beccy this year with a couple of symptoms I couldn’t explain and a general feeling of un-wellness. Rather than honing in on individual symptoms, Beccy looked at my life and circumstances through a wider lens. She noticed elements of my day-to-day rhythms, things I hadn’t been paying much attention to, that were significantly impacting my quality of life. Beccy’s observations helped me start looking at my life with more curiosity and attention, and together we began to consider ways of making everyday life more nourishing. After each session, Beccy prepared highly detailed notes for me, packing so much information and guidance onto every page. These notes included everything from advice on sourcing good food on a budget, to seasonal journalling prompts.

Beccy has given me much more than ‘health coaching’. She has helped me to rebuild a broken relationship with food, and encouraged me to make those 3 meals a day moments of pleasure, poetry and connection. She has made looking after myself feel inspiring, exciting and most of all loving. Thanks to her, those symptoms that I arrived with melted away almost without me noticing, and I have gained an abundance on top. I am still on a journey with my health, but rather than feeling lost, I feel curious. I will be implementing and integrating the advice I received from Beccy possibly for ever.

If you are looking for someone to support you and the health of your whole being, someone who sees from all angles, and brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, I would highly recommend Beccy. — FG

I truly enjoyed my time working with Beccy! She has a really wonderful, calm and open approach to holistic healing. I felt I could be open and honest with her without any judgement, and she was very supportive of me working at my own pace. Beccy shared very select information that was incredibly specific to my personal needs, making every step of the process very clear - something I have found very daunting in the past, as the internet can be an information overload. Since working with Beccy, I feel clearer than ever about my personal needs and how to properly address them. I genuinely feel I was not only provided information on many different healing modalities, but an actual support network which is truly something special and rare. These are practices I will continue and trust for years to come, which I can truly thank Beccy for instilling in me. — SA